Communicating Climate Change Science and What About Texas' Freeze

 Communicating Climate Change Science

A well known and highly respected atmospheric scientist, Katherine Hayhoe, who is also an evangelical Christian, has taken on the mission of presenting technical climate science topics in ways that are easy to listen to and understandable by a lay audience. Several key messages she shares are: 1. Unless we talk about climate change it will not rise to be an important issue, especially locally, 2. People are much more likely to listen and make lifestyle changes from conversations with peers (people they trust, neighbors, political allies) than outsiders that are telling them what to do, and 3. Disinformation campaigns have effectively created a political polarization between democrats and republicans and between climate believers and climate deniers.

Katherine Hayhoe presentations:

She is from Texas and suggests the article below to draw attention to the need for creating resilient infrastructure as one of the actions that can be taken to prevent disasters.

TCN | How Texas froze: Neglect of power-grid and climate warnings set the icy stage (


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