Vermont Legislature Priorities

 Vermont Climate Caucus Legislative Priorities for 2021

The State Legislature is in session and is addressing topics related to climate change. Here are a few of this year's topics.

  • Transportation Modernization Act H. 94 (see below)

  • Vermonters Enhanced Energy Savings Act (in Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee). Weatherization for low income Vermonters is at the core of this legislation. The Committee compiled data that Vermonters spend $5,800/yr on energy, half of this on transportation. This Bill would address weatherization incentives as well as transportation efficiencies. Once funding is identified their goal is to increase weatherization from 2,000 homes/year, to ca. 12,000 homes/year.

    • Senator Bray speaks about this:

  • Builder Registration Bill H. 157 

    • This Bill would make it mandatory for residential building contractors to be registered with the State. This will allow the State to work on education and training about thermal efficiency, and information flow on incentives.

  • Federal Stimulus Funds for Broadband and Transportation Infrastructure

7 Legislative Priorities for 2021 - Transportation Modernization Act H.94

  1. Make fare-free transit permanent. 

  2. Continue funding the Mobility and Transportation Innovations Grant Program. 

  3. Establish the Better Places program. (Local “placemaking” projects help make places more walkable and bikeable, support local businesses, and promote economic recovery.)

  4. Establish a Replace Your Ride Program. (Incentives to lower-income Vermonters to scrap a high-polluting vehicle and switch to cleaner transportation). Information on the criteria for qualifying, the range in incentives available, etc. is available: Purchase Incentives - Drive Electric Vermont (

  5. Continue and increase funding MileageSmart and Plug-In Electric Vehicle (EV) incentive programs, established by the legislature in 2019. (Incentives for low and moderate income Vermonters to purchase high-efficiency vehicles and EVs). 

  6. Make substantial and sustained investment in a range of infrastructure (Support walkable, biking, and other community development infrastructure). 

  7. Pursue a strong and equitable Transportation and Climate Initiative. (Invest in relevant clean transportation solutions, particularly for people - those with low incomes, people of color, rural areas). 

Microsoft Word - 2021 policy agenda - FINAL.docx (


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