Tips For Light Footsteps on Mother Earth: Buy Local Goods

Buying local has many reasons that include helping you, your community, and our Earth.

The other day I went to buy potting soil at the local hardware store.  Looking at all the choices I found that many of the items were from out of Vermont, like South Carolina, Canada and even the mid-west.  But there was also some from Middlebury Vermont.  Considering my position in buying local when I can, I opted for the soil from Middlebury.  It took me a few minutes extra to determine the origin of the soil, but I now feel comforted that I can support a local farmer and family.
When I visit Jericho Market for food shopping, I notice that their shelves have locally produced goods in both the produce and meat departments.  When we cook the locally grown chicken it is so much more tender and fuller of flavor than other chicken we have tried.  If you have not tried local meats, I recommend that you give it a try.
Why try buying local when you can?
It is good for the environment. Local goods don’t have to travel as far to arrive on your home, so it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to improving our carbon footprint. It benefits the local economy, including supporting local farmers and other producers. 

Here are 10 other reasons to buy local:

1. Fresher food is available at your local market.
2. There is way less packaging involved. 
3. Buying local helps the local economy. 
4. Buying local helps support your neighbors.
5. You know where your food comes from if you buy it at the market.
6. Buying local is better for the planet.
7. The experience is way more fun.
8. You get to meet your farmers.
9. It can help you save money.
10. Buying local gives you the opportunity to buy in bulk.

One Green Planet has many reasons to buy local.

Just do what you can!  Everything you do will help!

Do What You Can: Reduce waste, plant trees, eat local, travel responsibly, reuse stuff, say no to single-use plastics, recycle, vote smart, switch to cold water laundry, divest from fossil fuels, save water, shop wisely, donate if you can, grow your own food, volunteer, conserve energy, compost, and don’t forget about the microplastics and microbeads lurking in common household and personal care products!
Dave Clift


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